Inspection and testing
Greater London Electrical offer a variety of electrical inspection and testing facilities to our customers, completely dependant on their needs. Please get in touch to discuss your requirements on any of the following inspections:
Periodic Inspection Reports (PIR)
Every electrical installation deteriorates with use and age and Periodic Inspection Reports help make sure they are still safe. It is extremely important for the persons responsible for the maintenance of the installation to be sure that the safety of the users are not put at risk and the installation continues to be in a safe and serviceable condition. Greater London Electrical can periodically test and inspect your electrical installation and produce a Periodic Inspection Report for you.
Deficiencies observed during the inspection and testing can be remedied by the our electricians so that the installation may continue to be used in safety.
Electrical Installation Certificates (EIC)
Greater London Electrical can provide Electrical Installation Certificates for your new installations. The IEE regulations states that all new installation work or alterations and additions to existing installations must have a standard form of Electrical Installation Certificate, including a record of the inspection and results of testing.
PAT Testing
We have a specialist portable appliance division to carry out PAT tests on any portable electrical appliance. PAT testing is a health and safety requirement.
Need Something Else?
Please contact us if your enquiry does not include any of the above services. We are also very happy to offer any advice or recommendations of electrical installations you may be interested in.